Testimonial Detail



March 30, 2017
Client from: United States
Status: Status: First-time applicant
Pre-MBA industry: Nursing
Years of experience at time of matriculation: 3
GMAT/GRE score: NA
Undergraduate GPA: NA
Admitted to: Columbia, University of Michigan

My sister referred me to Square One Prep after she worked with them on her business school application. I had spent a few weeks on my graduate school essays for my Masters and Doctorate in Family Health Nurse Practitioning and was struggling quite a bit. Although Square One explained that they mainly help people with MBA applications, they said they were confident they could lead my through my applications – and they did! I found their advice very helpful and was really impressed by how much and how quickly my resume and essays improved. My advisor was always available and very straight forward with her questions and critiques. If your first essays comes back with mostly red highlights and lists of improvements, don’t be alarmed! Take a deep breath and get through the details – those redlines mean you are in good hands!

Because of Square One I was accepted to both schools, Columbia and University of Michigan, and am excited to have both of those opportunities available to me.

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