Testimonial Detail



May 16, 2018
Client from: United States
Status: Re-applicant
Pre-MBA industry: Non-profit/international development
Years of experience at time of matriculation: 7
GMAT/GRE score: 328 (V: 166 Q: 162)
Undergraduate GPA: 3.63/4.00
Admitted to: Haas, Kellogg, Sloan, Wharton, Yale
Scholarship(s): $235,000

Hi Kathryn – After thinking through it, we would both rather not write testimonials. We are grateful for the help SOP has provided throughout the application process, but we do not feel comfortable writing the type of testimonial that you are looking for.

Hi Client – I am genuinely baffled by why you can’t provide a thoughtful testimonial. What do you think I am looking for other than your honest thoughts about your work with us? You’re welcome to say that you didn’t get into Stanford. Xxxx is welcome to say where he got interviews and failed to get offers. We welcome the the truth.

I am going to be as direct here as I was throughout our work with both you in an effort to be what I am always trying to be – helpful and transparent. Client, you were a reapplicant who had unbelievable success – not just with getting offers but with securing scholarships and that was entirely due to the foundation we gave you with your resume, career narrative, essays, and LORs. You had more success than you ever envisioned for yourself – no you didn’t get into Stanford, but it would be shortsighted to look at your journey as a measure of whether you got an offer there or not. And no, you and Xxxx unfortunately did not get into the same programs but from the beginning you two tried to not let that desire direct your efforts – to the point that we intentionally worked in silos when helping you select schools. Xxxx, we never gave up with you, and you did get an offer from Tuck. Even with Haas, we would have continued into the summer with waitlist support had you wanted that – and that work was all free of charge because we care. We enjoyed our work with both you and relished helping both of you explore and introspect. We enjoyed the role we played in your success – it was significant. It’s just a shame you can’t spare 5-10 minutes to write a testimonial about that role.

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