Testimonial Detail



December 12, 2018
Client from: United States
Status: First-time applicant
Pre-MBA industry: Healthcare Technology
Years of experience at time of matriculation: 5
GMAT/GRE score: 324 (V: 165 Q: 159)
Undergraduate GPA: 3.59/4.00
Admitted to: Fuqua, HBS, Kellogg, McCombs, Tuck, Wharton
Scholarship(s): $150,000

Square One pushes you to really evaluate what it is you want out of your MBA and helps you craft a convincing and unique narrative. If you think you have a sense of why you want to get your MBA, you will be challenged by Kathryn to ensure that your narrative is airtight, and that the story you pitch to schools is convincing and realistic. Her honest feedback is incredibly valuable, and she is willing to take the time to make sure you have a compelling story, no matter how many calls it takes. This “great or back to the drawing board” approach is the reason you will feel confident going into essay writing and interviews.

Kathryn is prompt and helped me navigate which path to choose whenever I came to a crossroads and needed to make a decision between two different programs, whether to take the test again, etc. Having someone who will be frank with where you need to spend your time and how you should view each element of the application is incredibly valuable.

Thanks to the help of Square One, I’ll be attending my dream program in the fall. A worthwhile investment, indeed.

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