Testimonial Detail



December 18, 2018
Client from: United States
Status: First-time applicant
Pre-MBA industry: Military
Years of experience at time of matriculation: 5
GMAT/GRE score: 690
Undergraduate GPA:3.14/4.00
Admitted to: HBS

I began my business school application with much anxiety. Like many of my fellow applicants, I thought I had a compelling story, with my military background and entrepreneurial endeavors. However, on my first call with Square One Prep, my consultant made me realize that I needed to do much more in order to standout, not just apart from other applicants, but apart from the other military applicants. With my consultant’s constant coaching, I dug deep and found a stronger inner voice and self-confidence, not to mention a common theme that bound all my isolated experiences into a unique, personable and heartfelt story. My consultant spent months working with me to help me find my way. Her honest feedback and suggestions were what really made the difference in my applications. Furthermore, I had a fairly unimpressive GMAT score, but with my consultant’s encouragement and support (which included study tips and was outside the bounds of our engagement), I took the exam one more time and raised my score significantly. Knowing that she was so invested in my success was invaluable. I started the process confused. I ended the process with clarity about who I am, what I want to do, and an invitation to matriculate at the one and only school I applied to – HBS!!!!

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