Client from: Europe
Status: First-time applicant
Pre-MBA industry: Sales/Journalism
Years of experience at time of matriculation: 6
GMAT/GRE score: N/A
Undergraduate GPA: First Class
Career Gap: 6 months
Admitted to: LBS
Status: First-time applicant
Pre-MBA industry: Sales/Journalism
Years of experience at time of matriculation: 6
GMAT/GRE score: N/A
Undergraduate GPA: First Class
Career Gap: 6 months
Admitted to: LBS
I was so incredibly impressed with the professionalism, dedication, and thoughtful intelligence of all the team I worked with at SOP. The MBA application process is a challenging one, but with them by my side I not only enjoyed it, but learned a lot about myself in the process. I would recommend them to anyone!