Testimonial Detail



March 30, 2017
Client from: India/United States
Status: First-time applicant
Pre-MBA industry: Banking/Private Equity
Years of experience at time of matriculation: 5
GMAT/GRE score: 740
Undergraduate GPA: 3.42/4.00
Admitted to: Wharton

I applied to just one school – Wharton, and that’s where I’m going next year!

As someone coming from banking and PE with the goal to stay in PE and then move into fashion, my story was both very conventional and unconventional. Square One pushed me to comprehensively dig through my personal and professional experiences, and helped me assess them to form a clear, cohesive, and compelling story. They truly worked with me painstakingly to make sure I made no missteps. My advisor’s direct communication style, creative insights, constructive feedback, and patience throughout the process (as I found the process unexpectedly tough) was critical. I wouldn’t be heading to Wharton had it not been for Square One.

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