Testimonial Detail



April 01, 2017
Client from: United States
Status: First-time applicant
Pre-MBA industry: Banking/PE/Corporate Strategy
Years of experience at time of matriculation: 5
GMAT/GRE score: 730
Undergraduate GPA: 3.77/4.00
Admitted to: HBS, Kellogg

At first I wondered if Square One Prep, which came recommended by a friend, was worth my hard-earned money. In retrospect, working with Square One Prep was invaluable. From my very first conversation to my very last, working with them made all the difference for both my applications and my sanity. It was as if SOP shined a flashlight down a dark passageway and then guided me to safety. My anxiety for the daunting and opaque application process disappeared because I knew I was in good hands. The support I received allowed me to focus on the important things, like being myself rather than second-guessing myself. It was hard work, but Square One Prep enabled me to put my best foot forward. I am happy to share that, thanks to the help from SOP, I was accepted into two top-5 schools, including my #1 choice.

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