Status: Re-applicant
Pre-MBA industry: Banking
Years of experience at time of matriculation: 9
GMAT/GRE score: 760 (V: 41 Q: 51)
Undergraduate GPA: 3.02/4.00
Admitted to: Anderson, Kellogg
Scholarship(s): $40,000
The MBA application process is incredibly draining, both physically and emotionally. There are naturally incredibly high highs, incredibly low lows, and a lot of confusing in-between. Kathryn and Natalie helped me make a lot of sense of the whole application process, whether it’s on how to package myself for AdComs, how to demonstrate my leadership potential, and how to effectively communicate my long-term goals and how the MBA helps me achieve it, SOP was pushing me to provide the best output that I could. Beyond that, I felt a genuine concern from SOP. I wasn’t just another client or statistic that they could point to if I succeed. Instead, they showed genuine care for the success of my applications, asking me for updates even for schools they didn’t work with me on.
To further expound on this: I was actually part of SOP’s 3 Schools Free MBA Consulting Contest. I had encountered Kathryn on a free consultation around November after my GMAT and was very impressed. At that time, I was banking on bonuses I would get from deals that were to close in December and January as my source of payment for the consulting fees. However, those deals and corresponding bonuses ended up falling through and I had resigned myself to going through the process alone. Luckily, Kathryn emailed me out of the blue one day (also a fantastic sign: she remembered my exact situation a couple of months after we had a call) to tell me that I would be a fit for the SOP contest. I duly worked on the requirements and was fortunate enough to win one of the 3 slots to consult with SOP!
Even still, I was apprehensive about the whole thing. After all, I was to get nearly $7,000 worth of services for free. What was the catch? Well, there really wasn’t any catch unless you count Kathryn and Natalie pushing me to put out the best output I can as a catch. Every essay I sent was reviewed promptly and received honest, thoughtful feedback. When I put out a sub-par essay, they didn’t just let it slide and think “he’s getting this for free anyway”, they continued to push me to improve, even if it meant more work and more stress for them. As a result, I got an admittance to Kellogg with the AdCom specifically mentioning that they loved the essay I worked the hardest with SOP on. It took us an entire overhaul and several revisions more but Natalie and Kathryn completely changed how I approached Kellogg and it resulted in me getting in.
Moving through the process from start to finish, I can definitely say that having Kathryn and Natalie around made the entire process a hundred times less stressful and I can’t say enough about how willing and able they were to give me the best platform for my applications to succeed. I may not have paid for their services but over the past several months I’ve worked with Natalie and Kathryn, I never ever felt like my concerns and needs were less than top priority!